Thus Spake the Divine - Meditating on Lotus Feet of Ambal

Thus Spake the Divine

Meditating on Lotus Feet of Ambal

In this Chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava talks about the “Turiya” state of Para Brahmam. Periyava says, in order to liberate ourselves from sorrows of this worldly life, we should absorb ourselves into this “Turiya” state. 

We already know about the three prime functions of God viz. Creation, Maintenance and Destruction. To carry out these functions, Paramatma transforms Himself into three forms, that is, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva respectively. These forms have distinct attributes and complexions, which are in alignment with the activities carried out by them. Surpassing these three functions, there is the fourth state called “Turiya”. If we absorb into our mind on Para Shakti, who is in the state of “Turiya” (Turiya means pure consciousness), we get liberated from the sorrows of this worldly life.

In today’s fast paced life, there is no time to think about the Turiya stage; maturity is lacking in meditating through chanting of mantras (Mantra Dhyana) or by way of idol worship (Roopa Dhyana). Of course, it is not easy to cultivate the habit of Mantra Dhyana or Roopa Dhyana. We must still make sustained efforts to move forward one step at a time. This path will be easier if it is pleasant or interesting.

Such an interesting first step is available within one’s own self in the form of self-inquiry (Adhyatma Marga), in other words, “Ambal’s Feet”. Anyone can pray to the Feet of Ambal with ease. Once we learn to adore the beauty and elegance of Her Feet, we will gradually and fully get engrossed with Ambal. To start with, we can read Shlokas and verses that elucidate the eminence of Ambal. This process is known as Parayanam. The second step is doing Jap

am (recital of names of God). Dhyana  or meditation comes next. While doing Dhyana, we should wholeheartedly pray to Her saying, “Even at the time of my death, I want to continue doing Dhyana of your Feet. Therefore, I need your grace to get unified with you”. The mercy of Ambal energises us to do the Dhyana of Her Feet day-in and day-out, and even at the time of our death. Thus, when we die, we can unify with Her without taking another janma, thereby liberating ourselves from worldly sorrows and entering into absolute bliss. 

Ambal and Guru are identical. The significance of their feet (Tiruvadi) is identical. Their Paduka or sandals are identical. Shastras say that we have to meditate on the Guru Paduka in the Chandra (moon) Mandala, which is the abode of Ambal. Moon emanates nectar. Though sun is capable of providing light on its own, the heat emanating from this light makes us sweat and we feel thirsty. 

However, Ambal’s light not only provides us light, but also quenches our thirst. Ambal’s light is like the light of moon. The grace of Ambal’s Feet quenches our thirst and brings in peace. Ambal eradicates heat and makes us cool. She is the treasure, who provides us what we wish. Let us pray to the Lotus Feet of Ambal, cleanse our minds and become good and prosperous.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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