Thus Spake the Divine - Nature Deceives and Ambal also Deceives!

Thus Spake the Divine

Nature Deceives and Ambal also Deceives!

In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava underlines the significance of self-realisation with pure consciousness. He expresses his anguish over men, who continue accumulating sins. Periyava still hopes that at least One Soul will attain self-realisation from among the existing trillions.

Man has innumerable desires, attachments and passions. Fulfilment of his desires makes him very happy. Is such happiness a permanent one? “No”; “Never”. Desires keep cropping up one after another. They never cease. Amidst his never-ending efforts and exertions, man gets bits of happiness now and then. This happiness, in a way, is only because of Ambal’s grace. In another way, it is a trick played by Her to continue kindling our desires.

Man becomes extremely happy when somebody whom he loves responds with love. He gets married and becomes happy. When he is blessed with a child, he is very happy. When the child laughs at him, he becomes all the more happy. He takes more care and attention in rearing the child.

Man thinks his lust and passion are meant for his own happiness. It is not so. They are only meant to continue the evolution of life. Many human beings have to take birth again and again to exhaust their Karmas and get into the state of Moksha. In case a man thinks marriage and lust are meant to give pleasure and happiness alone, then, he is only getting fooled by nature. This nature is none other than Ambal, who also dupes us! 

Man is being duped in many different ways! He has been gifted many varieties of food and eatables. He enjoys eating sumptuous food, thereby becoming happy. Is this food meant for the taste of his tongue alone? No! He is again being duped! Man has to nurture his body to grow. Only then he can go on performing his Karma. 

Man will get bored and not eat properly if he does not get a variety of food items. Therefore, nature or Ambal has created many varieties of food with different tastes to make him eat and perform his Karma.

Man never shows the same kind of love or affection towards his neighbour’s child as for his own. “The child is mine” is a natural feeling. He develops a special attachment towards his child. He spends his entire time and money to take care of the child with utmost care. Will he do the same if he has equal affinity and affections towards all children? Such special attachment is a natural feeling created by Ambal, so that he will nurture that particular child with care.

I said earlier that Ambal gave man attachment and passion, so that he takes different births and experiences the impacts of his Karma. Ambal has created variety of foods and tastes only for growing one’s own body, again to experience the impacts of his Karma. But you may ask me, what is the use of such living by man or another life produced by the same man? What else is there for man on this earth except to experience the impacts of erstwhile Karma?

Many men do not seem to attain any inner satisfaction or wellness out of all their births. So, generally, such lives of human beings go waste. In each birth, man only accumulates lust, anger, greed, delusionary obsession, pride and jealousy, the six enemies of mind, which trigger him towards more and more sins. Karma increases leading to more births till he reaches a point of no return! Not even one human in a crore seems to have exhausted his Karmas and reached Moksha! Then, what is the purpose of all these lives? Let me explain. There are lot of mangoes on a mango tree.

The purpose of a fruit is to bear seeds for the next tree. However, if all seeds are capable of producing another tree, then earth will be left with no space for anything else. Are we not happy to see one seed among hundreds of seeds germinating into a new tree? Else, are we sad that all other seeds have failed? 

Similarly, let billions and trillions of lives go waste. But, if at least one among them attains self-realisation, it is enough! That is the very purpose of this entire creation. That ONE Soul among crores and crores will energise all other souls. Passion, lust and love have been thrust on human beings only to ensure that One Soul emerges out of crores. The very purpose of our own lives is also to produce one such Soul.

Uriyadi is a festival celebrated with fanfare and gusto on the day of Krishna Jayanti. During that festival, people climb a smoothly polished, huge and tall wooden pole. The pole is smeared with castor oil, which makes it very slippery. Anybody climbing that pole would slip half way down in case his grip is lost. With great effort, some might reach half the pole, some hardly any height; some reach almost the top but still slip. There will be one person who will manage to climb the pole all the way after slipping several times. The entire festival celebration explodes when that one person climbs to the top.

The entire game of Universe is similar to this. Many of us may strive but fail. There will be one who will reach the top and attain self-enlightenment. All others will continue trying to reach the top despite slipping down several times. Ambal will always hold the deserving hand and lift him up. It will be sufficient for all of us if that one person escapes from each of the delusions of life! 

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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