Thus Spake the Divine - God As Mother

Thus Spake the Divine

God As Mother

When we can consider mother as God, why should not the opposite too be true? Poojyasri Maha Periyava elucidates the mother-child relationship and draws parallels with the Mother of Universe and Her devotees. 

Great Tamil Poet Avvai says, “Mother and Father are one’s first known Gods”. Even among these two, she has ranked mother in the first position. Taittiriya-Upantshad also places mother in the first place and says, “Treat your mother as God; treat your father as God”.

When we can consider mother as God, why not should the opposite too be true? True, we can perceive God also in the form of mother. She is the Supreme Power, who has created the entire Universe and is protecting the same. We think of Her as our Mother; we call her “Ambal”.

The omnipotent and omnipresent Paramatma possesses absolute compassion and grants our wishes in whichever form we perceive the Paramatma. Therefore, if we pray that the very Paramatma become our mother and grant our wishes, those wishes will turn true.

Perceiving Paramatma as mother has significant advantages. The mother-child relationship is very unique in nature. The love and affection between the two is magnificent. It is pure and unconditional. Therefore, if we worship Paramatma in the form of mother, the whole relationship is filled with love and compassion. As we become the children of God, all our evil thoughts, such as anger, lust etc., vanish automatically. When we call Paramatma as our mother, it is not just out of courtesy. Actually, Paramatma blesses all animate and inanimate beings of this world with absolute love of a mother.

When we worship our biological mother as God, who takes care of us in this janma, should we not worship Paramatma as Mother, who is our Eternal Guard for all our janmas? We should. Our biological mother can become mother only to three or four children in this janma, whereas Ambal is the Mother of all beings in this universe. 

She is the Mother of this Universe. Everything, commencing from an atom to man, animals, birds, worms, insects, grass, plants, creepers and trees, has emerged only from one Super Power. That Super Power has manifested into all these innumerable substances. When we worship Paramatma as our Mother, we realise that She is the only Mother and we are all Her children; that means we are all brothers and sisters. We will absorb and embrace everyone with love and compassion. 

Even Devatas (Deities) and Avataras, and Sages and Saints, have worshipped Ambal with the same perspective of Moksha. Adi Shankara Bhagavadpada and Poet Kalidasa have obtained their divine proficiency in various streams only with the grace of Ambal. As Jnyana Sambandhar was breast-fed by Ambal, he could obtain absolute wisdom with Her grace.

Ambal bestows on people not only prosperity but also power of speech. The power of articulation emanates from Her grace, because She is the embodiment of Alphabets and Phonetics. When Paramatma appears in the form of Ambal, She wears 51 alphabets as Her dress. That is why people, who worship Ambal, are also blessed with eloquence of speech.

Such a Para Shakti, who is the Mother of entire universe, is capable of uplifting any person, whichever state he may be in. For this, we should worship Her with love and adoration. She, being the epitome of words, should be adored with words. We should realise that it is She who is within our body and mind and She is everything. We must also realise that we and She are identical and thus worship her with that intimate feeling. If we do so, we can also transform ourselves into a being filled with absolute compassion and provide happiness to the entire universe. 

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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