Thus Spake the Divine - Ambal is Important to Me

Thus Spake the Divine

Ambal is Important to Me

It is not just enough if we keep our houses, our clothing and our bodies clean. What is most important is that our mind should be clean and pure, and without any flaws.

The only way to keep our minds clean and pure is to meditate on the Lotus Feet of Ambal, Consort of Lord Parameshvara. If we constantly meditate on Her Feet, all our impurities will be cleansed. All our deficiencies will turn out to be strengths and we will become full within ourselves. It is the game plan of Ambal to create all of us as human beings with deficiencies and flaws. The onus thus lies on Her to cleanse and liberate us.

We do not want to live and die like animals. We are human beings filled with peace and happiness. Hence, we do not want to be in clutches of the cycle of birth and death. All religions of this world have emerged with the sole objective of relieving e people from this cycle of birth and death. For accomplishing this goal, there is no need for any other religion other than meditating on Ambal. It is meditating on Her that gives us peace and happiness, and provides us inner fulfilment.

If we constantly meditate on Ambal, filling ourselves with Her thoughts, our religion will automatically flourish on its own. There will be no need at all for any propaganda, debate or discussions. Why am I speaking about these things? Instead of delivering a discourse to you all, if I keep meditating on Ambal, it will definitely bring greater wellbeing for the society. That meditation provides me more realisation and enlightenment than this discourse and debate. But I realise that truth only when I start delivering the discourse. And if I continue speaking of Ambal, it cleanses my mind. I am talking on the matters of religion only with the goal that at least one soul amongst us will become enlightened.

Our religion is meant for attaining fulfilment and enlightenment by adhering to our duties as ordained by Shastras. Only with benevolence and grace of Ambal will we get the energy and intellect to reach the stage of enlightenment and fulfilment. We must realise that there are flaws in us when we are not able to single-mindedly focus on Ambal. In a way, that is also good. At least we are praying to God to remove those flaws. Whenever I feel there are some flaws within me, I immediately pray to Ambal to save me from those flaws.

If I deliver discourses despite flaws in me, then, whatever I preach will be hypocrisy and amount to duping you all. Once I am blessed with the grace of Ambal and become fully realised, there is no need for such preaching at all. Without me talking anything, the power bestowed by Ambal will confer wisdom on you. Therefore, both ways, discourses are superficial and not required. If I spend my time meditating on Her instead of on this discourse, I will get greater magnitude of inner peace. All my flaws will get eradicated. But I still keep talking to you with only the wish that at least some of you might introspect on yourself, which will trigger you to meditate on Ambal and reach the stage of realisation. No religion or inner experience can ever grow with propaganda. It is only a temporary solace.

But temporary solace is also essential in a world, where there is absolute lack of peace! Likewise, my talking to you all will also provide you at least temporary peace. That is why I am talking to you all. I speak to you all only because I do not want you to feel sad and disappointed.

The more important issue in such a case is to make this temporary solace into a permanent one. The only way to do it is to meditate on Ambal’s Lotus Feet. Ambal is very important to me. I constantly meditate on Ambal for global wellbeing and prosperity. You all should also meditate on Ambal.

There will be no damage or harm to our religion from any other religion or atheism. It may happen only in case we do not adhere to our own Karmas. If energy and immunity within our body reduce, we get inflicted by diseases. Similarly, if we do not adhere to our Karmas as ordained by Shastras, ailments, such as conversion to other religion or atheism, may crop up.

It is just enough if one constantly meditates on Ambal’s Lotus Feet. There will not be a single problem. Doing this is in our own hands. We do not need to do any great deeds. All we need to do is try not indulging in any evil acts. Whenever we commit a mistake, we should cleanse ourselves by meditating on Her and reach the stage of self-realisation. Since our religion is common to the entire world, let us do some good for the entire population with the help of our religion.

According to all religions, the ultimate goal is to attain Moksha. Moksha is the realisation of Absolute Truth with the help of self- awareness. That absolute truth is none other than the Brahmam, say our Vedas. Chit Shakti of Brahmam is only Ambal. If we meditate on Her, we will dissolve within that Absolute Truth. Ambal, who confers us all comforts in this worldly life, also offers us ultimate wisdom, the Moksha. Only with Her grace can we liberate ourselves from the worldly bonding and attain Moksha. Wisdom dawns when praying to Ambal; ignorance vanishes when praying to Ambal; and Moksha is attained when praying to Ambal, say our Shastras and Shlokas. There are several Sages and Saints who have become great Jnyanis by ardently espousing Ambal’s Bhakti.

Now, all that we have to do is to start meditating on Ambal’s Lotus Feet. Once we commence meditation, we ourselves will start getting the taste of Her grace. We will begin to realise that there is nothing else other than Ambal’s Lotus Feet, which can grant us inner peace. If we incessantly meditate on Her, we will live eternally even after our death.

Before trying to redeem others, one should keep oneself away from sins. For this, surrendering at Her feet is the only option. The power to eradicate our sins lies within our own selves in the form of meditation to Ambal. All of you should pray to Her for your own good as also for the wellbeing of the entire world. The entire universe will then live in peace and prosperity.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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