Thus Spake the Divine - Mahabharata

Thus Spake the Divine


In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava speaks about the great epic Mahabharata. He emphasises on the need to revive in temples discourses on Mahabharata, as in the past. This will help build the much-needed virtuous qualities among today’s human beings.

Brahmi script is the earliest writing medium developed in India. It is considered the mother of all Indian scripts. There are many traditional and old manuscripts written in Brahmi script, which can be
found in our archives and records. The manuscripts are elegant and flowery. Brahmi then transformed into Pallava script, which has the look of printed scripts. Writings even in Pallava script are filled with literary beauty. 

Subsequently, from Chola rule onwards, impressive scripts and statements have been found on copper plates. They were, of course, not up to the quality of erstwhile scripts. Nowadays, even if we look at copper plates that are 200 years to 300 years old, there is absolutely no alignment in scripts; there are a lot of errors; letters are too big and there are many grammatical mistakes.

Similarly, I have observed some of the idols, from the oldest to the present. Even in these, some that cannot be chronologically defined, are quite extraordinarily beautiful. Idols of the Pallava period are really dazzling. Those of Chola period are good in some aspects. But beyond that, standards have deteriorated. No wonder, old is always gold!

Okay! Let us come back to the qualities and characteristics of people from ancient times. People of those days were highly virtuous. Megasthanes, who visited India about 2,000 years ago, writes in his book, “Indians have the highest level of self-esteem. They possess highest level of self-respect; they are so honest they don’t know how to steal”.

This shows people were ethical in their characteristics even in those days. Now, the scenario is entirely different. I only wish people had remained the same as they were in the past. Generally, if there is discipline in life, then, everything automatically becomes remarkably note-worthy and cherishing. That is why you find discipline and alignment in ancient paintings and sculptures. They were really impressive.

I was analysing the reasons for degeneration within the characteristics of people of current generation, though they are descendents of the earlier generations that possessed virtuous characteristics.

In those days, it was mandatory for all temples to organise regular discourses on the great epic Mahabharata. There are even manuscripts that provided financial grants for carrying out such discourses. But nowadays, even in huge temples, there are no such discourses. Even if they happen, they are in some remote village temples, which keep the villagers virtuous.

What is so special about Mahabharata? Yudhistir is the epitome of patience. Bhishma is an embodiment of a person upholding his vow whatever the hardships. For charity, it is Karnan. For dignity, it is Arjun. Similarly, if you take Ramayana, Sri Ram is the personification of Dharma. Sita is the role model for virtuous women. Even Mandodhari, wife of Ravan, the rival of Ram, possesses great virtue of chastity as equal to that of Sita. 

When we listen to stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata, we are reminded of these noble characters. Both the literate and the illiterate, whoever listens to these stories, admire these characters and aspire to imitate them in reality. The mere thought of following their qualities will bring good results. That’s why, people in those days, who frequently listened to these stories, were influenced by the characters of these epics and tried to emulate them in their real lives. Thus the country had high level of justice and Dharma. Dharma and justice are two elements that build culture within an individual. Now, there have come several practices that completely damage our culture. 

I accept that it is really difficult to revive old practices. But still, we must all put some efforts in bringing back the old traditions of yore. God has given us eyes, ears, hands and legs, and along with that some brain too to think effectively. We should at least engage in some good deeds to resurrect our past and our own selves.

Nowadays, we are coming across several hardships during our lives. People are unaware as to how they can face them. Different political parties are playing with their mind and intellect, confusing them in the process. Only truth and justice can prevent people’s qualities from degenerating. Mahabharata will be a great source of inspiration for our people to protect themselves from evils and inculcate virtuous qualities.

This article is a snippet from the Book 
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