Thus Spake the Divine - Responsibilities of Writers

Thus Spake the Divine

Responsibilities of Writers

In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava speaks about the responsibilities of modern-day writers and journalists, keeping Vyasa Muni as the role model.

Veda Vyasa Muni, who composed the great epic Mahabharata, classified Vedaswhich contain the subtlest forms of philosophies and most challenging rituals, into four segments. Called the Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, Sama Veda, and Yajur Veda, Veda Vyasa imparted them to four of his disciples. These four disciples, in turn, transmitted the same to a few, who adhered to the Codes of Dharma in letter and spirit.

Vyasa Muni was very conservative in distributing the knowledge of Vedas to just four. However, with a view to make them widely understood by all people, Vyasa also compiled Vedas in the form of stories within great epics, so that the Vedas remain relevant to people forever. He assigned Sutha Bouranikar the task of propagating these epics. It is for this reason that Bouranikar, though not belonging to the Brahmin Community, is highly respected by all great rishis.

“Speak the Truth” is one important Code of Dharma in Vedas. Vyasa composed the story of Harischandra, which revolved around the Code “Speak the Truth” and is well understood by all people. The next Code is “Practice Dharma”, for which Mahabharata composed by Vyasa Muni is an epitome. The rule depicting “Respect Mother and Father as Equivalent to God” is well illustrated in Ramayana. Bouranikar used such stories to propagate among common people all the subtle and most important Codes of Dharma elucidated in the Vedas.

Religious discourses everywhere across the country have been part of our tradition since the beginning. We can find epigraphs and inscriptions of such religious discourses transcribed at all our temples. Kings extended subsidies for conducting such discourses on a frequent basis as part of regular poojas conducted in temples. 

This is how all our people have remained ethical and virtuous by way of regular worship in temples. Many of them may be illiterate, but they do possess good qualities and culture. 

Till the invention of printing press, all learning was oral and by listening. In those days, very few people were conversant with writing on palm leaves. Most learned people acquired knowledge only through hearing. After the advent of printing machines came books and newspapers. They took the place of Bouranikars, who till then delivered the religious discourses.

Journalists and writers are the redefined new-era story-tellers like the erstwhile Bouranikars! It is their duty now to propagate Dharma within people in the form of interesting stories. They should not limit themselves to stories that are liked by public. They should also write those that enhance people’s mental and intellectual wellbeing. Of course, they have to present them interesting. They should highlight righteous facts in their writings using novel ways. My appeal to journalists is that they should remain students forever, they must keep their eyes and ears open to learning what is happening around them and they must educate the public about what is right and wrong.

Journalists and writers should provide matters relating to truth as sugar-coated pills. Sugar must only be as a coat and not full, which will be harmful for health! Just because people are drawn towards worldly pleasures, journalists should not focus on such things alone. They should come forward to write about matters that act as a catalyst for inner growth among people. The goal of journalists and writers should be not only to elevate their own selves but also enhance knowledge and inner peace among their readers and the entire society.

This article is a snippet from the Book 
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