Thus Spake the Divine - Science and Self- Contentment

Thus Spake the Divine

Science and Self- Contentment

In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava contests the viewpoint of Westerners that all technological advancements have emerged only from their countries. Periyava substantiates His stand by quoting evidences that prove them otherwise.

“Vedanta says that the entire world is a Maya (Illusion). Hence, Indians have not evinced interest in anything that enhances human lives. That is why all science and technological advancements have emerged only in Western countries than India” is what Westerners say. But, in reality, if you analyse our ancient Shastraswe can see that there is significant amount of science in different streams in the Indian context.

In Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, Sanskrit texts of Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine), we can see that Ayurveda, or “life knowledge”, has been practiced in an unbroken manner throughout India for thousands of years. The Atharvana Veda, which is the oldest Veda, speaks of medicinal herbs that are used for curing wounds caused during wars, which are now being used in even modern medicines.

The Atharvana Veda contains chapters relating to medicine, surgery and magico-religious rites. This Atharvaveda layer of text was compiled contemporaneously with Samaveda and Yajurveda, or in about 1200 BCE to 1000 BCE. In engineering technology too, our people have exhibited marvellous skills in ancient times. 

Samarangana Sutradhara is an encyclopaedic work on classical Indian architecture (Vastu Shastra) written by Paramara King Bhoja of Dhar (1000–1055 AD). Its 83 chapters deal with subjects of town planning, house architecture and temple architecture. Tamil Nadu is witness to marvels of these technologies. The Kallanai Dam (built across the Kaveri River in Trichy District), which is one of the oldest, was built around 2,000 years ago. 

It exemplifies the amazing engineering marvels of India. We have to look at Aavudaiyar Temple in Pudukkottai District of Tamil Nadu, which is embellished with beautiful sculptures and art work. It is perhaps the best architectural marvel in South India. The arch built in the huge hall (mandapam where bats cannot reside) of the Tiruveezhimizhalai Temple is the other architecture of engineering
marvel in South India. 

Siddhars developed, among other branches of a vast knowledge system, what is now known as Siddha medicine, practised mainly in Tamil Nadu as a type of traditional native medicine.

With the expertise that we possess in astronomy, we have been able to create our own panchangam (A panchangam is a Hindu calendar and almanac, which follows tradition units of Hindu timekeeping and presents important dates and their calculations in a tabulated form). Our astrologers therein identify days of new moon and eclipses with absolute accuracy.

All these arts and sciences have flourished in India in great magnitude and have been of immense use to people. But we have also been witness to disastrous impacts of the various inventions of scientists, such as atom bombs etc. That is why, in ancient India, deep scientific knowledge was imparted only to a matured few. This is also the reason for these sciences being in a language, which is not easily understandable by all. Even in Siddhar’s lyrics, we cannot understand many of its nuances.

Experts doing research on our Shastras can even now comprehend and make many inferences. There are certain matters, which we may not be able to grasp now. That does not mean that we should discard them. Future generations may understand what they are. That is the reason why, whether or not we are able to understand them, we must still protect all our Shastras for the benefit of our future generations.

Technological advancements are growing in other countries in different fields. But we have neglected our own treasure trove of knowledge and wish to learn afresh from foreigners. The difference between the two is that our ancient forms of knowledge, known as Brahma Vidya, are aimed at internal growth and prosperity of individuals, society and the country.

Foreigners now seem saturated with their technological advancements. Despite having them, they have realised that they have no peace or happiness. That is why they are embracing our Vedas, spiritual practices and our path of bhakti. Surprisingly, we  have ended up disowning both our external wisdom and Atma Vidya (inner wisdom) and are running behind the western culture. Foreigners are moving from the Iron Age to the Golden Age, whereas we are heading to the Iron Age from our Golden Age. It is ironical that while they are moving from deficiency to fulfilment, we are from fulfilment to deficiencies!

This article is a snippet from the Book 
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