Thus Spake the Divine - Karma Yoga

Thus Spake the Divine

Karma Yoga

In Hinduism, Karma Yoga refers to the spiritual path of action. It refers to selfless action or performance of one’s own duty. It is the path explained by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita as a means to liberate oneself.

In Bhagavad Gita, Arjun asks Lord Krishna whether it is not a sin to kill friends and relatives in the war of Kurukshethra. Arjun’s question looks quite justifiable. However, Lord Krishna gives an answer with a different perspective. An act might appear wicked or cruel in the eyes of the world. But that alone does not mean that the particular act must be considered a sin. Sometimes, for the welfare of the world, one may engage in acts that are cruel in nature. Acts committed under such circumstances do not fall under the category of sin.

In that case, which one is an act of Pap (sin) and which an act of Punya (virtue)? Krishna answers this question too. An act that is driven by passion, desire (lust) and anger alone pushes a person into committing sins. Those acts that are sans desire and anger, though they may appear the cruellest or wicked, they are all considered Punya.

Can anyone commit something unkind and cruel without the influence of lust and anger? Let me give you an example. When a Judge punishes an accused, is he possessed with any personal animosity or hatred? Punishment per se might appear cruel. But that punishment is given only for global wellbeing or even for benefit of the accused. When our own child becomes mad, we tie him with a chain. Does it become a sin? Your act is for the child’s own benefit and for the benefit of people who may otherwise be harmed by your child. Your act is hence not a sin. On the same lines, Shastras have bound us to certain “dos” and “don’ts”. They are both for our welfare and the welfare of the entire society. Lord Krishna says categorically in Gita that we must all follow the rules laid down in Shastras. If there is a doubt, one has to refer to the rules of Shastras and act accordingly.

Nowadays, Gita has become popular in the whole world. Even those who do not have trust in rituals and karmas prescribed by our Shastras, researchers and Westerners – all celebrate Gita as the most valuable source of knowledge. They have a different interpretation of the verse in Gita, which says that each of us should follow our own dharma in accordance with our nature. But the same Gita also clearly states that as per the rules of Shastras each one of us has to do the karma, which is imposed on us or is our responsibility.

If a person acts without associating the act with his personal desire or anger, then, he will not develop any personal hatred towards that act. If lust and anger are kept away, any act is an act of love and happiness.

The reason for lust and anger is ego. If one abandons his ego, there will be no discrimination in his actions. We would be doing those actions as part of our duties. The Karma Yoga in Gita says, “Do your duty without any desire for reward and dedicate everything to God”. Doing our karmas for welfare of the whole world and thereby cleansing our soul is the essence of Gita. While doing each and every act, we should analyse it in detail against this philosophy: “Do I have any personal likes or dislikes in doing this act? Am I looking for any personal benefit or fame out of this act? Am I biased?” If we do our karma with a pure mind, then, there will not be any conflicts or confrontations in the society. The whole world will be filled with happiness.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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