Thus Spake the Divine - Bhakthi - Swami, The God

Thus Spake the Divine


Swami, The God

In the first three chapters of this part, Poojyasri Maha Periyava dwells on the Creator of this universe using beautiful similis and metaphors.

When  we see a well-constructed house or a well-designed vehicle, we immediately tend to think that these should have been constructed by a well- experienced engineer. While building a house or a vehicle, there are certain requirements which need to be aligned mutually complementing each other and these products are built to meet the specific needs of the individuals. Therefore it is clear that these have not emerged on their own by accident and some brain has worked on the house or vehicle to get the desired results. Similar is the case with any product for that matter.

Let us now think of this Universe, which has been functioning with precision within the set rules and regulations for thousands of years. The Universe must also have been created by someone, isn’t it? Likewise, there are innumerable substances on this earth that serve different purposes. We can conclude that there is, for sure, a Supreme Power, which has created all these and is effectively administering them.

While we can say who has built this hall in which we are sitting right now, we don’t know who has created this plantain tree that we are seeing. Someone has certainly created this tree, which has systematically arranged its clumps. What instrument did the creator use to arrange these clumps inside the tree? We don’t know! Similarly, we cannot point to the one who has created this mountain, stars, the moon etc. One may say all these have been created thousands of lakhs of years before and it is not possible to identify the creator. That is okay. See this rose flower. This was just a small bud day before yesterday. Now, it has blossomed as a flower. There are numerous petals, with very meticulous nerves passing through and emanating sweet fragrance. It blossomed right in front of our eyes, but we still cannot identify the creator of this flower.

All rose flowers blossom within the same pattern. Each mountain has the same configuration. All stars revolve in the same pre-set movement. Since the whole Universe is functioning in a particular pattern and follows the same cause-effect law, it is for sure that everything has been created by the same Supreme Brain.

Many of us may think we are very intelligent and smart. The man who thinks so great of himself should also be aware of the Super Man who has created him as also the entire Universe. He is the one Supreme Brain who has created everything. He is the embodiment of compassion and benevolence. He is the God, God Almighty!

We, the human beings, are the best example of God’s creation in this Universe. Is it possible for us to design the different patterns of finger and palm prints for each individual as done by Him? He has created such a marvel in a tiny leaf with different designs of nerves, which is much, much greater than what a man thinks that he has achieved using his intelligence.

Vedas repeatedly say that God is hiding himself inside a cave. I would say our heart is that cave. God is hiding himself within our own heart and astonishing us with so many marvels outside. He is playing hide and seek with us. How can we find Him? Bhakti is the means to find the one who is within our heart. 

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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