Thus Spake the Divine - Blessings of Hanuman

Thus Spake the Divine

Blessings of Hanuman 

Blessings of Lord Anjaneya Swami are highly exceptional. If you look at the list of boons bestowed on His devotees, you will realise His pre-eminence. Look at the prayer Shloka given here on Hanuman.

buddhir balam yasho dhairyam,
nir bhayatvam arogata,
ajatyam vak patutvam cha, 
hanumat smaranat bhavet.

This Shloka highlights the boons granted by Hanuman. One worshipping Hanuman is blessed with intelligence, physical strength, good reputation, courage, fearlessness, good health, absence of dullness and eloquence in speech.

Generally, all the above traits don’t seem to exist in one person in their entirety. An intelligent person may be quite unhealthy; and a physically strong person may be stupid. If one possesses both intelligence and physical strength, he may be a coward. Despite possessing several skills, one may be lethargic in applying his skills. Despite being intelligent, one may not have the proficiency of articulation to speak the right words at the right place and right time. With Hanuman’s blessings, one can possess all these essential traits in a well-balanced manner.

How come Hanuman is so competent to grant all these boons? This is simply because all these traits, as a whole, are integrated within Hanuman Himself. Whatever we think are contradictory traits, they are natural attributes of Hanuman.

For example, a mighty person may not be humble; a great intellect may not possess egoless Bhakti. But, Anjaneya Swami, along with physical strength and intellectual power, also possesses humility and Bhakti. He considers all His traits as alms bestowed by Rama and continues to remain Rama’s aide and slave. Being like this, He feels content.

People, who are endowed with high level of Bhakti, may still not have the clarity of thought. Thus, their Bhakti could be superstitious or confrontational. To them wisdom and Bhakti are two different poles. Anjaneya Swami, while being the ardent devotee of Ram, is also a Maha Jnyani.

Dakshinamurti imparts wisdom and knowledge keeping Sanakati Munis as His audience. Similar is Rama’s preaching to Anjaneya Swami, says Vaidehi Sahitham. We all know that Lord Hanuman protected the chariot of Arjuna throughout the battle of Kurukshetra by residing in the flag of Arjuna’s chariot. That way, He also had the highest privilege of listening to Gita Upadesham that Krishna was giving Arjuna. He thus got Gita directly from the Horse’s mouth, as He was in Arjuna’s flag!

Bhakti does not mean totally abandoning worldly duties. Hanuman is the ideal example of service to society. There is no parallel to Him in protecting destitute women.

Height of wisdom, height of valour, height of devotion, height of might, height of fame – if there could be one personality possessing all these traits, then, it is only Lord Hanuman.

Above all these, it is His abstinence and celibacy that need a special mention. He is completely devoid of lust in any form. Instead of Kaman (Manmatha), He chose the service of Raman!

The moment we think of Him, courage and valour automatically flow in. Wisdom dawns!, Lust turns into ashes!! Let us all serve the society with absolute humility.

In this modern era, the most important trait that we need to inculcate is being humble. All the time, we keep running behind wealth and worldly substances, remaining discontent with what we have. By doing this, we only accumulate more discontentment and deficiencies within our self. By being humble and having our heads low, we get the grace of God.

Let us pray to Hanuman for that.

Let us pray to Him to establish Dharma throughout the world. Ravana could be killed in the war only because of His support. Arjuna became victorious, as he had Him on his chariot’s flag. At times, when our Dharma and Religion dwindled, it was He, in the avatar of Ramadas Swamy, who resurrected Dharma and Religion. We need His grace even today to spread our Dharma in all countries.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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