Thus Spake the Divine - About Dravida
Thus Spake the Divine
About Dravida
Dravida means Tamil –
Ta+mi+l. The fi rst syllable
“Ta” has become “Dra”. It is customary
to add syllables “ra” to words in Sanskrit.
If you look at the verse given earlier in
the salutation of Acharyas, you will see
the “Totaka” spelt as “Throdaka”. Some
Sanskrit fanatics even go to the extent
of adding “ra” to every word. They spell
“Deham” (meaning body in Tamil) as
“Dreham”! The second syllable ‘mi’ has
become “vi”. Philologists will provide
lots of examples for swapping of syllables
“ma” and “va” in Sanskrit. “Shalagravam”
has become “Shalagramam”. Mandodari
in Sanskrit has become “Vandodari” in
Tamil. Even Dravida becomes Dramida
sometimes! The last syllable “l” (actually
it is ‘zh’ in Tamil, which is not found in
any other language!) turns to “d”. So,
“Ta+mi+l becomes “Dra”vi”d”!
Nowadays, people are happy when there is a flavour of Tamil
added to every subject. That is why I also thought of adding
some fl avour of Tamil while speaking about Dravidacharya too!
Even Bhagavadpada, in his 75th verse of Saundaryalahari,
has used the term “Dravida” when speaking to Ambal. He has
said “You have breast-fed the ‘Dravida’ child”. Here, Dravida
child is Jnyanasambandar, the Tamil saint.
When I say Tamil and Dravida are identical, please do not
misconstrue and bring in the race confl ict between Aryans and
Dravidians! There is absolutely no clue at all in Veda about any
such classifi cation! It is only the British who have brought in that
classifi cation, which was in accordance with their divide-and-rule
policy. “Arya” means “respectable”.
That’s all. There is no such
class as “Arya” at all.
Even when Krishna speaks to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita, He
says, “Why have you lost your confi dence and become such a
coward “Unarya”? Here, Unarya means one who is not an Arya,
who has turned “unrespectable”. (Even in English, the prefi x
“un’ brings the antonym of the adjectives, for example, happy
and unhappy). Lord Krishna is sad about Arjuna becoming
‘disrespectful’ through his cowardly behaviour in the war
fi eld. Sita calls Rama as “Arya Putra”, which means ‘the most
respectful citizen’.
It has nothing to do with Dravidian-Aryan
race classifi cation. Dravida itself does not mean any race.
People in India were all united as one race. For convenience,
they were divided into two broad segments based on the
geographical locations they lived in. People living in north, up
of Vindhya mountains (Gauda Desham) were called Gaudas and
people living down South of Vindhyas were called Dravidians
(Dravida Desham). The division was only geographical not racial.
These two sects were further divided into fi ve sub-sects each.
They were called Pancha Gaudas and Pancha Dravidas (Pancha
means fi ve in Tamil).
The divisions of Gauda Desham were: Sarasvatas living in
Kashmir, Kanyakupjas living in Punjab, Mythilas living in Bihar,
Udkalas living in Orissa and people living in the extreme east
were not given any name but just called Gaudas.
Similarly, people
living in the Dravida Desham were also divided into fi ve sects,
namely, Gujarati, Maharashtrians, Andhra, Karnataka and people
in the southern most region of Tamil Nadu were not given any
name and were called Dravidians. The reason for not including
people living in Kerala was that Malayalam language came to be
known as a separate language only within the last thousand years.
Prior to that, it was also a part of Tamil Desham.
Therefore, Dravida and Arya are not two different sects.
There are 10 sub-sects based on geographical locations but they
all belong to one race. Today, Gaudas are the residents of Bengal.
Krishna Chaitanya belongs to the Bengal region and that is why
His Mutt is known as Gaudiya Mutt. Similarly, Dravidian refers to
Tamil-speaking people. There is one unique aspect in this regard.
It is only in Tamil Nadu and Bengal that the British culture spread
It is only people from these two regions who went on
to serve the English Government across India.
When a person migrates from one place to another, he will
be identifi ed only by the latter region. Today, in Maharashtra, you
can hear the surname of many people as “Telang”. The ancestors
of these people migrated from Andhra Pradesh and settled in
Maharashtra. Telugu is the language of Andhra Pradesh and
the same has got distorted as Telang. Similarly, there are people
whose surname is Dravid in places like Kashi up North in India.
These are the ones who migrated long back from down South
and settled in those regions.
One important point to be noted here is that all people
having the surname Dravid belong to Brahmin community! If
you go by the race theory, Brahmins are totally against Dravidians.
Rather, you can say there is enmity even among Brahmins. But,
in reality, in the Northern region, the surname of Dravid belongs
only to the Brahmins living there.
So, this strongly indicates that
Dravida indicates geographic location alone and not any racial
classifi cation.
I actually wanted to talk about Dravidacharya but have made
a long-twined story! Anyway, Dravidacharya was an Advaita
Preceptor who lived prior to our Acharya. In the coming chapter,
we will see how Dravidacharya connects with the story I narrated
This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divine, is available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private Limited, A chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition.
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