Thus Spake the Divine - Significance of Vibhuti (Ash) and Tiruman (Earth)

Thus Spake the Divine

Significance of Vibhuti (Ash) and Tiruman (Earth)

Vibhuti and Tiruman constantly remind us of the supreme philosophy of life, which is encompassed within Maya. In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava talks about the significance of Vibhuti and Tiruman. 

Just as fire burns wood to ashes, fire of wisdom incinerates all our Karmas, says Lord Krishna in Gita. Ash (Vibhuti) of firewood is akin to wisdom received after incineration of our Karmas. Amara Kosham (Sanskrit Dictionary) identifies the synonym of Vibhuti as wealth or treasure. When we apply heat on any object, it burns and turns into black ash. In case more heat is applied, the object burns further, thereby getting refined, with removal of all its inherent impurities. At this stage, the ash turns absolutely white. Post this, even if we apply additional heat, the ash will remain white, without changing its colour. This white ash is Vibhuti.

Ishvara, the Destructor, is the indestructible, eternal remainder even after the entire universe is destroyed. The penultimate stage of ash is black coal. Coal is considered the black diamond in this world, which is a high-value cash product. White ash is even more valuable than black coal. In fact, there is nothing more valuable than white ash – the Vibhuti.

We see things of different colours. But all colours vanish once burnt. The end result is only white. Colour is a mere cosmetic make- up. Reality is colourless. Vibhuti is the truth after all make-up gets wiped out. In Tamil, human body is known as ‘Mei’, which is also a word for truth. Vibhuti should be smeared all over the ‘Mei’. Even after this body is burnt, the remaining ‘Mei’ is Vibhuti, the truth.

When Krishna says in Gita, “Once the fire of wisdom is lit, all Karmas will burn to ashes”, He does not mean the state of “Emptiness” or “Nothingness” (Shunyata), as proclaimed by Buddha. After wooden sticks are burnt, everything does not become empty. There remains the sacred ash. Similarly, in the fire of wisdom, even though all Karmas get burnt, there still remains one substance, which is the source of everything. What remains is the “Supreme Sacred Ash or Paramatma”.

Most people apply Vibhuti. Applying Vibhuti all over the body will bring total prosperity. Commoners use the connotation “Tunnuru” for Vibhuti. Vibhuti also protects people from mystical and supernatural disturbances created by ghosts and demons.  

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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