Thus Spake the Divine - Sarasvati (Goddess of Wisdom)

Thus Spake the Divine

Sarasvati (Goddess of Wisdom)

In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava brings out the connection between Goddess Sarasvati and Kanchipuram. Kanchipuram is known for its education and learning right from ancient times. He also expresses his concern over the menace of modern education system His interpretation as to why Sarasvati Pooja falls in Autumn season from a unique perspective is superbly depicted.

According to Hindu calendar, there are six seasons or ritus in a year. They are: Vasanta Ritu (Spring), Grishma Ritu (Summer), Varsha Ritu (Monsoon), Sharad Ritu (Autumn), Hemanta Ritu (Pre-winter) and Shishira (Winter). 

Sarasvati Pooja (the last day festival of Navaratri – Nine-Nights Festival) falls during Sharad Ritu which is the autumn season. Sarasvati is also known as Sharadha, in conformity with the season in which the festival is held.

Brahmin scholars are quite predominant in Kashmir, where they are titled Pandits. They are a community by themselves. Jawaharlal Nehru and Motilal Nehru are descendents of one such Pandit family. The reason for a large number of Pandits residing in Kashmir is mainly because of their strong affinity to the worship of Sarasvati in that region. There is a great Hall known as Sharadha Peetam in Kashmir, which is a platform of high honour for all scholars.

In Tamil Nadu too, Kanchipuram region was once known as Kashmira Mandalam. There are other such similar locations in both South as well as North. There is Mathura in the North, where Lord Krishna was born. In South, we have Madurai, where Goddess Meenakshi was born. As there is Pataliputhra in North, we have in South Patali Puthra, which has been altered to Tirupadhiri Puliyur. As there is Kashi in North, there is Thenkasi in Tirunelveli district of South.

Kanchipuram came to be known as Dakshin (South) Kashmir, as the region has been sanctified by the grace of Sarasvati. This fact has been acknowledged by Mooka Kavi. In the Kamakshi Temple, there is a shrine for Sarasvati, who is in sublime beauty with eight hands. Our Acharya has excelled in all arts and obtained the title of “Sarvagna” (Master of All Arts). He named the Mutt established by Him here as Sharadha Mutt. All these reveal the unique connection with Kanchipuram and Sarasvati.

Kanchipuram has been known for its speciality in education and learning. There were many colleges and universities, known as Gatikasthanams, which were identical to that of Nalanda and Thakshaseela, the renowned universities in North. Near Tiruvallam, there is a stone inscription, which says, “There were 7,000 students who studied in these universities”. There is Pranaveshwara Swami Temple in Shikapur, located in Shimoga, Mysore District; the stone inscription here reads that during the 4 th Century AD, King Mayura Varman, who ruled Karnataka, had taken up his studies in the Gatikasthanam of Kanchi, along with his Guru Veerasharma.

Another inscription in Sanskrit at Velur Palayam of Arakkonam proclaims the greatness of King Raja Simha Pallavan (also known as Narasimha Varma) in launching the Katikasthanam, again in Kanchipuram. This was even before the mention of the great Kailasanatha Temple in Kanchipuram constructed by the King, which is a marvel. Appar Swami honours Kanchi as one which is boundary-less in imparting education.

There is a shloka in Mooka Pancha Shati, which identifies Kamakshi with Sarasvati. It reads, “Kamakshi is wearing an immaculate white saree. The whole of Kashmir is covered by white snow, which symbolises the abode of Sarasvati. The speciality of autumn is similar to this. The ‘Sharad Chandra (Autumn Moon)’, as poetically described by poets, covers the entire world with its cooling whiteness in nights. White clouds float across the sky during autumn season. Corresponding to the autumn season, the wisdom and knowledge bestowed by Sarasvati is as that of the autumn moon and autumn clouds that are dispassionate and impeccable.

General education would only bring greed and passion, whereas the true wisdom alone brings serenity.”

When I think of Sarasvati Pooja that falls in the autumn season (Sharad Ritu) and the impact this season has over the minds of people, I also look at it from a different perspective. External attributes always affect internal behaviour. For example, dawn of a morning inspires and makes us happy. A clouded sky with drizzle brings a kind of a gloom. Before dawn and at the time of dusk, the atmosphere is serene. We also feel peace at heart. That is why we get motivated to sit and meditate in early mornings and evenings. Therefore, when the external world is drawing itself within, we should also try to draw ourselves inwardly. This is the most appropriate time to bring our minds to a halt and focus on a single point, where both our external and internal beings merge into one. Sharad Ritu period is the most compatible for tuning our mental outlook and attitude. When Sarasvati Pooja takes place in the autumn season, a very pleasant weather prevails, temperature is moderate and enjoyable, and there are dancing white clouds in the sky – a season filled with serenity.

The peculiarity of this season is that such pleasant weather is prevalent all across India. Otherwise, there is drastic variation in temperatures at different places. During summer season, summers are very severe in Northern region compared to the South. In winter, it will be the opposite. It will be freezing in the North, whereas it will be mild-to-moderately cold in South. When it rains in November and December in South, there are no rains in North.

Autumn is the only season when the entire country has a temperature ranging between 75 and 95 degree Fahrenheit. Weather will be pleasant, moderately warm or cold. Even the weather resembles the personality and attributes of Goddess of Wisdom. This external ambience helps people find their inner balance. If all people become consciously aware of these aspects during the Sharad Ritu and worship Sarasvati Devi, they are bound to attain wisdom and a balanced state of mind. Japa Mala and palm-leaf display the attributes of awareness and knowledge. Both Sarasvati and Dakshinamurti, who are the epitome of wisdom and conscious awareness, are holding these two in their hands.

Palm-leaf signifies Vidya (Education). The present day system of education confines itself to mere imparting knowledge on various subjects. It does not provide any wisdom. Knowledge and wisdom are totally different. In olden days, all education was aimed at attaining wisdom that directs a person towards absolute truth, which is God. Even Tiruvalluvar in his couplet asks, “What is the purpose of education if it does not develop the feeling of Bhakti towards Lord Parameshvar?”

The noble objective of education is that it facilitates a person in annihilating his ego and pride, thereby inculcating love and compassion towards God. Leave alone egos and pride arising out of wealth and possessions; the ego that arises out of the thought that “I am a scholar” is the worst kind of ego. That is why there is an adage from our ancestors, who have said, “Knowledge should be associated with humility” (Vidya Vinaya Sampanne)”. 

However, today’s education solely aims at making more and more money. More so, educated people use their knowledge to crookedly earn money by taking short-cuts and escaping the law. One has to look at the menace of the present day education. I, the Preceptor of Advaita wisdom, would even dare to say, “Ignorance is bliss (Ajnyana Moksha Sadanam)” than having such an education. Honestly, it is better to be an innocent tribal, who is not literate, but is still God-fearing.

Just because today’s education mainly paves the way for worldly possessions and pride, one should not, of course, demean the value of our own arts, Shastras and education. All education was designed to dissolve one’s own ego and pride, and aimed at global prosperity and wellness. Lot of developmental activities can be initiated with the help of today’s science and technology. Even using the science of atomic energy, which claims that all elements are driven by single energy, we can attain the Advaita wisdom! Instead of perennially running behind money, one must live life within the set rules and norms prescribed by our ancestors. This would definitely lead to good of both the internal and external growth of man.

For medication to work effectively, one sticks to some restrictions on food (Pathiyam) for getting well. For medicine of education, humility and Bhakti must be the supplements without which the very medicine of education can turn poisonous. Only education with humility leads to the wisdom of nectar. That is why both Sarasvati and Dakshinamurti, epitomes of wisdom, are also adored as Deities of Education (Vidya). You all know that Sarasvati is addressed as, ‘sakala kala vani and sarva vidya swarupini’. Vedas say that Dakshinamurti is the God of All Arts. He is in total action- less state.

Dakshinamurti, in such a state, is called as Medha Dakshinamurti, who confers boons for obtaining a brilliant brain, mastery over speech and power of knowledge. Both Dakshinamurti and Sarasvati, apart from palm leave and Sphatika mala, (Beads of quartz stone), have crescent moon on their head, which is an indication of growth and development. Sarasvati, the Epitome of Knowledge, believes that “whatever learnt is just a handful and whatever to be learned is as expansive as ocean”. 

As Dakshinamurti, Sarasvati also possesses the Third Eye (Eye in Forehead). Wisdom is remote without desires being burnt. That is why the eye that burnt the God of Desires, Manmatha, is in Her forehead. Both of them have entwined their hair like a crown, which is the symbol of Sages.

Both of them appear impeccably white. This is the white that does not form part of the seven-coloured VIBGYOR. Even the white turns to Sphatika (crystal clear) through which all colours can be absorbed. That is why both Dakshinamurti and Sarasvati hold the Sphatika mala in their hands. The very thought of whiteness, crescent moon and Sphatika Mala bring a feeling of serenity, purity and clarity in our minds.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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