Thus Spake the Divine - World is Manifestation on of Vishnu and Shiva

Thus Spake the Divine

World is Manifestation on of Vishnu and Shiva

All Devas and Devatas are manifestations of only one Paramatma. Even Shiva and Vishnu are no distinct. However, when worshipping both, it is interesting to make a mild differentiation between them! Though Unity in Diversity is the crux of our religion, there is a charm in worshipping them uniquely because of the different philosophy associated with each.

While worshipping, Shiva can be deliberated as Wisdom, which is the only Substance (Brahmam) and corner stone (origin) of all other substances in this Universe. Vishnu can be worshipped as the Power (Shakti) that rules this Universe by manifesting that only Substance into innumerable substances. In other words, Shiva is the Para Brahmam and Vishnu is the Para Shakti (Ambal).

Though Vishnu and Ambal are said to be brother and sister, both of them are one and the same. If you look at the image of Ardhanareeshvara and Shankara Narayan, we can realise this fact. In both images, Parameshvara stands on the right. On the left, in one there is Ambal and in the other Vishnu.

Vishnu or Ambal is the power, which manifests within the only one Substance that exists in innumerable non-existent substances, which means the entire universe is filled with Vishnu. Vishnu Sahasranamam starts with “Vishvam Vishnum”. The responsibility for sustenance of living beings in this universe lies with Vishnu. Even in this world, many matters pertaining to the divinity exist more only in Vishnu. They are “Hari Katha”, Hari Nama Sankirtanam etc. There are no Hara (Shiva) Katha or Hara Nama Sankirtanam. The activities exhibiting joy are related more to Vishnu. The term “Bhagavathar” means the one associated with Bhagavan (God). When we say Bhagavathar or Bhagavatham, they all relate only to Vishnu’s devotee and Vishnu’s story respectively.

However, when one absorbed in dispassion and engages in or wisdom, which is the foundation for this entire universe, there come matters associated with Shiva. Like Shiva Jnyana or Shiva Yogam, there is no Vishnu Jnyana or Vishnu Yogam. Since Vishnu manifests one Substance into innumerable substances, it looks like the world is filled with Vishnu. But if you remove the ‘innumerable substances’, what remains is only that “one Substance”. In that case, even Universe exists no more and what remains is only Shivam! Therefore, it becomes “Sarvam Shiva Mayam”, which means the entire world is filled with Lord Shiva.

In the VIBGYOR, which contains seven colours, White and Black are not a part. This means that Shiva, who is White, and Vishnu, who is Black, are not part of the colours of the Universe. Whichever substance gets burnt, it first turns black. Though the substance changes colour, its form remains the same. If you burn a newspaper and immediately put out the fire, the darker scripts are still visible even in blackness. Even clothes get burnt without deforming their stacks. Thus, they are at the penultimate stage of fully getting deformed.

Similar is the state of Sarvam Vishnu Mayam. In this stage, the universe appears as though it is existent but all activities relating to sensory organs have been burnt. Though feelings or joy appear existent, they exist in the form of divinity. If they are further burnt in Jnyana and Yoga, then, they also would extinct. So, substances which are being burnt, though they turn black first, eventually they all become white ashes. This is what represents the state “Sarvam Shiva Mayam”.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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