Thus Spake the Divine - Two Kings – Nataraja and Rangaraja

Thus Spake the Divine

Two Kings – Nataraja and Rangaraja

The divine wedding of Meenakshi with Sundareswarar is celebrated with pomp and splendour. A careful observation of the sculpture of Meenakshi Kalyanam in Madurai Meenakshi Temple shows Lord Vishnu, believed to be the brother of Meenakshi, gives the bride away holding Her sacred hands. This presents a live picture of Ambal as a fusion of Padmanabha (Vishnu’s) sister, as also the Power of Parameshvara. If we keep looking at this sculpture, all the distinction, if any, between Shiva and Vishnu and between Shaivism and Vaishnavism will vanish. 

Brahmam is the Power (Shakti) in its entirety. That Power alone carries out the entire activities within the Cosmos. Brahmam is Parameshvar; Ambal is Shakti

(Power); Maha Vishnu is the Chief, who runs the worldly activities effectively and sustains the entire universe with the aid of Power possessed by Brahmam or Parameshvara. Though we make a distinction between all three viz. Brahmam, Power and execution of Power, eventually, all three are one and the same. They are glorified as the “Trio of Gems” (Ratna Thrayam) by Appaiya Dikshita!

Though we classify Brahmam as serene, action-less Shiva and action-filled Vishnu, such differentiation per se is not correct. This is exhibited by two Kings (Raja). One is Nataraja and the other is Rangaraja. The direct synonym of temple for Vaishanavaits is Srirangam, where Rangaraja resides. Likewise, for Shaivaites, it is Chidambaram, where Nataraja resides. In both these locations, the Kings are facing south.

South is the direction of Yama, the King of Death. Thus, to alleviate the fear of death within us, both these kings face the south. Arangam means Sabha, a hall, which is there both in Srirangam and Chidambaram. It is most appropriate to dance in a Sabha. 

However, there is dance in only one of these two Sabhas. It is Shiva, who is Brahmam in His serene state, dances in ecstasy in Chidambaram, whereas the Protector of Universe, Vishnu is in deep slumber with sublime serenity in Srirangam. Does not this look upside down with regard to tasks assigned to both these Gods? Though we segregate Gods based on their professions into three, five or eight forms, all of them are also manifestations of Para Shakti to demonstrate that there is only one Brahmam. We should realise that both Shiva and Vishnu are not two distinct identities.

That is why both of them are carrying out their functions interchanging their inherent characteristics, which are opposite to the nature of their professions. The one, who is supposed to absorb the entire universe, is dancing. And the one, who is expected to be active and dynamic, is sleeping. Another God, who is facing south, is Dakshinamurti. He is the epitome of absolute wisdom. He is the only one Substance of action-less Brahmam. His Power of Wisdom is Ambal (Chit Shakti). Only that Shakti has manifested into the Three Gods, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, 300 + millions of Devas and Devatas, grass, plantations, animals, birds and human beings. We should engrave in our minds that the replica of Para Shakti is Tirumal. And Shiva, the repository of the potential power (Para Shakti), cannot be separated from Para Shakti. If we don’t get the grace of Para Shakti, we are equivalent to a corpse. 

All our thoughts and actions are the outcome of Her benevolence alone. There is absolutely no justification if we think that we are doing everything with our own efforts. We should realise that our effort is just a droplet poured out of Her expansive ocean of grace. This is the basic quality of gratitude that one should possess. This is equivalent to Pooja. This is also equivalent to the holy bath that purifies all our impurities.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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