Thus Spake the Divine - Saviour of Veda Shastras

Thus Spake the Divine

Saviour of Veda Shastras

There is a popular belief that Lord Subrahmanya, popularly known as Muruga in Tamil Nadu, belongs only to Tamil Nadu. That He is not a God within the Vedic Religion. In this chapter and next, Poojyasri Maha Periyava contests this view and quotes strong evidences of close association between Lord Subrahmanya and the Vedic Religion. He goes on to say that whenever there is a decline in Vedic Religion;

Subrahmanya’s prime mission has been to resurrect the Vedas and Vedic Religion. Poojyasri Maha Periyava elucidates the association between Lord Muruga and Vedas. Periyava digs out references from Ramayana (Rig Veda period) and Kumara Sambhava to demonstrate that His glory is spread across India and He is the Saviour of Vedic Religion too.

Skanda Puranam is one of the largest Maha Puranas among 18 Puranas. It is mainly devoted to the Leelas (divine activities) of Skanda (also known as Subrahmanya, Muruga and Karthikeya). It contains approximately one-and-a-half lakh shlokas. It can be proclaimed as the biggest Grantha (book) in the entire world. Apart from Skanda Purana, Valmiki’s Ramayana and Kalidasa’s Kumara Sambhavam also speak about the glory of Subrahmanya. “Kumara” was in the olden times used either as a suffix or prefix for the names of Kings.

The inscription of the image of Kumara Swami seated on a peacock can be seen in many ancient gold coins excavated in northern parts of India. The coins of Kushaner Dynasty (now in Pakistan) have the etching of Kumara Swami. In northern regions, many kings prayed to Him as their Ishta Devata in the form of “Brahmanya Kumara” (If we remove Su from the name Subrahmanya, we get Brahmanya, isn’t it?).

The Pallava Kings, who ruled Kanchi region, have also fostered Vedas and Sanskrit to a great extent. They have described themselves as devotees of Shiva and Vishnu and also of Skanda. To signify this, they called themselves as Parama Maheshwar, Parama Bhagavada and Parama Brahmanya respectively. Subrahmanya has been the most revered God in the primordial Vedas. In the Rig Veda, there is a mention of “Thagappan Swami”, which means Swami to His Father Shiva. The Veda Sukta, which is composed in praise of Shiva says, “The Father who salutes the Son”. In Chandogya Upanishad (Sama Veda), there is a mention about Sanat Kumara (who was the erstwhile form of Subrahmanya). Panini’s grammar and the Bhashyam of Patanjali on the same exhibit the glory of Subrahmanya in the names of Skanda, Vishaka etc. In Bodhayana Dharma Sutra, there is a mention about the daily ritual of Tarpanam in which Skanda and his paraphernalia are included.

All the following information should be shared with those who are Tamil lovers. We claim that Subrahmanya is the God of Luck for Tamil-speaking population. Tamil population addresses Him as “Muruga” with most adoration. He is worshipped as the God of Kurinji (Mountainous region) since ancient times. The famous Arupadai Veedu (Six Abodes of Muruga) are located in Tamil Nadu. Subrahmanya Swami is the one who is the Creator of Tamil language. He has been one of the poets of Sangam. He is the Preceptor for Agasthya Muni for Tamil grammar.

In the oldest Sangam Era, Nakkeeran had composed Tirumurugatru Padai in praise of Muruga. Many people, who have recited the glorious Tirumurugatru Padai, have found it a panacea for all problems. In our own Mutt, we printed the books of Tirumurugatru Padai and Vinayagar Agaval on a Vaikasi Visakam (Birth day of Muruga). We distributed them to devotees who have agreed to memorise these for Vinayaka Chathurthi. All this is to only emphasise the point that Muruga is also the God of Tamils. However, there is a perception nowadays that Tamil Religion and Vedic Religion are different. This is the confusion created by the British who, under the pretext of carrying out research on our religion, have only sought to divide Indians. My strong view is that Vedic Religion has been existent as Tamil Religion all through. Let us not discuss that now. Otherwise, it may lead to misconceptions among people that Subrahmanya is only the God of Tamils. And, He did not exist during the Vedic realm and outside Tamil Nadu. That is the reason why I have brought out exhibits from Ramayana (Rig Veda period), Kumara Sambhava and other Kings. This is only to demonstrate that His glory is spread across India.

The name Subrahmanya itself is amply sufficient to highlight that He is the Saviour of Vedic Religion. It is explicit that He nurtures Brahmanya adhered to by Brahmins. What is more important for adherence to Vedas is Velvi or Yagam, which means offerings to God in front of sacred fire. Agni (fire) is the most important ingredient for Yagam or Velvi.

Subrahmanya is the persona of Agni. He is directly connected with all the Pancha Bhutas (Five elements of Nature viz. Fire, Air, Water, Space and Earth). He emerged from Ishvar’s eyes as sparks of fire (Ishvara represents Space). Air and Fire carried Him and dropped Him in Saravana Poygai (Water Pond). He turns to Shanmuga and resides in the temples located on hilltops (Earth). Though He is associated with all the five elements, He is a complete embodiment of Agni. Amara Kosham, while listing His names, also calls him “Flower of Agni”.

He is the Deity residing in the caves of human heart as Guha, another name of Subrahmanya. (Guhai means cave in Tamil). Since He is centred on Agni, He is the main Devata for preservation of Vedas.

Whenever there is a decline in Vedic Religion, Subrahmanya’s prime mission is to resurrect the same. He has taken two incarnations, one in Tamil Nadu and the other in North India (which we will know in detail during the coming chapters). Subrahmanya’s incarnations were only to resurrect the Vedic Religion that had dwindled due to the emergence of other religions and philosophiesThe two incarnations in the form of Jnyana Sambandar and Kumarila Bhatta spent their life time in resurrecting the Vedic Religion. 

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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