Thus Spake the Divine - Non-Distinct Shiva and Vishnu

Thus Spake the Divine

Non-Distinct Shiva and Vishnu

We will now go through seven chapters, which describe the non- distinctiveness between Shiva and Vishnu. Maha Periyava draws several parallels in terms of functions, attributes and appearance of Shiva and Vishnu in this regard. He then categorically says that Shiva and Vishnu are manifestations of the same Brahmam and they are not two different identities. He draws references from even Vedas and other spiritual manuscripts to prove his point. Periyava also expresses his concern over clashes arising between these two sects, namely Shaivaites and Vaishnavas, over the supremacy of Shiva or Vishnu

There are three types of qualities or traits that make a man. They are Sattva, Rajas and Thamas. Sattva relates to a balanced mind-set filled with serenity and joy. The colour of Sattva is white. Rajas refers to haste. 

Rajas is a combination of both good and bad – virtues and non- virtues. The colour denoting Rajas quality is red. When you look at the rising sun or a hibiscus flower, it gives pleasure to eyes, whereas blood can terrorise. Thamas is completely evil. Laziness, procrastination, and sleep, all form parts of Thamas. The colour is black, which represents ignorance, an indication of darkness. All human beings have a permutation and combination of these three qualities. Since all these attributes or qualities emerge from one Paramatma, they have three distinct forms and attributes for each, which are distinct from each other.

Brahma is the Head of Creations, who perfectly symbolises Rajas. The birth of human life involves physical lust and thus is a combination of good and bad. The complexion of Brahma is yellowish red and no one has any second view on this classification. Sustenance or protection of living beings on this earth is carried out by Maha Vishnu, who is endowed with the attribute of Sattva. While, we, the most sinful beings don’t deserve even one square meal, Maha Vishnu is magnanimously compassionate that He feeds all living beings including the tiniest of them, such as ants and flies. The third attribute, Thamas, pertains to the act of Destruction carried out by Lord Shiva. 

The entire perception of distinction between Shaivaites and Vaishnavas has evolved based only on pre-defined attributes of Shiva and Vishnu. Shaivaites don’t subscribe to the ideology of Maha Vishnu’s act of sustenance of living beings under the Sattva attribute. According to them, sustaining living beings, who are living a life of utmost uncertainty, is tantamount to plunging them more into ignorance. They feel this is not an act of Sattva attribute.

It is Lord Shiva, who grants wisdom and alleviates ignorance. He is the embodiment of compassion. He carries out the act of Destruction only to liberate all beings from their worldly sorrows and unbind them from bindings of their Karmas. Therefore, Lord Shiva’s attribute cannot be confined to Thamas, it is only Sattva. Shaivaites go one step further and claim, “Vishnu carries out His duties of sustenance only under the directives of Lord Shiva”. Vaishnavas hold exactly the opposite opinion of what Shaivaites claim, which is that, “Lord Vishnu is the Ruler of this universe. He is the one, who confers Moksha on living beings, and Lord Shiva is under the Rule of Lord Vishnu”.

We, who are the followers of Advaita Philosophy of Adi Shankara Bhagavadpada, do not belong to either Vaishnavism or Shaivism. We are called as “Smarthas”, the staunch adherents of Shastras (known as Smrithis). To us, Shiva, Vishnu and other forms of Gods are all different forms manifested by One Brahmam and there is absolutely no distinction among them.

I know others would not subscribe to these views of mine! This is because both these sects claim their respective God as possessing Sattva attribute and it is quite natural to worship only Gods with Sattva! May be, because of this, they have totally kept away Brahma, who is embodied with Rajas attribute and there is no worship or even a temple for Brahma. 

Let us take a neutral stand. Brahma’s profession is Creation, which is Rajas. His complexion is also that of Rajas and His place of residence is also representing Rajas (Lotus). However, look at Shiva and Vishnu. As He performs the task of Sustenance, which comprises Sattva attribute, should Vishnu not appear white or fair in complexion? He looks dark, which is the reflection of Thamas attribute. Moreover, He is constantly taking rest, lying on the bed of Adi Sesha! Sleep is also an indication of the attribute of Thamas.

Look at Shiva, who is engaged in Destruction. Is his complexion dark? No! He is impeccably white as a Sphatika, which is the representation of Sattva attribute! His place of residence, the Kailasa is completely snowy (white). His body is covered with Vibhuti (ash) and his vehicle Bull is white in colour. He does not ever sleep; He is the Cosmic Guru in the form of Dakshinamurti or He engages in ecstatic dancing. All these represent the attribute of Sattva.

What do we understand from all this? Shiva and Vishnu have not distinguished themselves as either Sattva Murti or Thamas Murti. The two are a blend both Sattva and Thamas. One is Thamas in appearance and Sattva in His profession. The other is Sattva in appearance and Thamas in His profession. 

Vaishnavas worship Lord Vishnu in an adoration of His Sattva attributes in terms of His profession. Shaivaites adore Shiva for His Sattva attributes in terms of His appearance. If we look at this outlook with an unbiased mind set, we would realise that there is absolutely no distinction between Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, as the two are a blend of both the attributes. Let us extend Bhakti towards both without any discrimination. 

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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