Thus Spake the Divine - Within and Outside

Thus Spake the Divine

Within and Outside

I have been repeatedly telling that you should all systematically adhere, without any break, to your respective karmas, including the rites and rituals, as ordained by our Vedas and Shastras. I have also advised you to apply symbols of the respective religion, such as Vibhuti and Rudraksham (Shaivaites), Tiruman (Vaishnavas) etc. Some people are of the view that these are all external displays; that it is more important to be virtuous at heart.

To this, I would like to say is that what we exhibit externally by way of these symbols, rituals or activities also contributes to our internal wellness. Acts of the body and feelings of the mind are interconnected. Let us take an example. A person gets a lottery prize of Rs. 1 lakh. On hearing this, he becomes extremely happy and excited. This is just an emotion. But this emotion also affects his body and the heart. He may swoon or feel the intense internal joy through palpitation of heart.

You all can feel emotions of your mind acting on your body. Keeping this connectivity in view, Yoga Shastras have listed certain specific breathing exercises (Pranayama), which help you attain certain desired sets of attitudes and emotions. Your external personality reflects your internal disposition. Eyes turn red in anger; tears flow from eyes when in sorrow. In happiness, one’s teeth can be seen. Such inter-connectivity between the body and emotions has formed the basis for different postures (Asana) in yoga.

There are people who may even question the need for military personnel wearing their uniform. Military persons can be as valiant even without their uniforms. But, in reality, uniform kindles a sense of duty and heroism in the military personnel. On the same lines, external expression of daily karmas, other rituals and application of symbols does enrich the individual’s inner soul. If one considers these as a mere costume, then they remain a costume. It is up to an individual to consciously perform his duties with utmost commitment in order to cleanse his own soul. Once the person starts performing his duties with commitment, his mind will start cleansing his inner self towards achieving the eternal calmness.

I do not feel really great that I follow all the rituals impeccably or wear the Rudraksham or Vibhuti etc. I am the Head of this Mutt. 

You will all respect me and come to this Mutt only if I represent myself thus. You will also sponsor financial resources for functioning of this Mutt. So, what I am doing is for a purpose. Your case is different. You earn your livelihood in another way. Still you can follow the rituals much better than I do, do your karmas with more commitment and get your souls purified. 

Therefore, let us apply the symbols that reflect absolute truth; let us adhere to karmas that prevent us from going in the wrong direction; thereby let us possess the virtues; and let us cleanse our minds. With this clarity, let us persistently meditate on God Almighty and attain the state of absolute bliss!

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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