Thus Spake the Divine - Ways to Alleviate Sorrows of World

Thus Spake the Divine

Ways to Alleviate Sorrows of World

There have been dramatic changes in the last 50 years in terms of scientific, economic, political and social developments. The changes that came about in the last 50 years are much more than what happened in the last 5,000 years. The experience and exposure we got during the last 50 years is quite significant. We have learnt one great lesson viz. more the people who digress from God and Dharma of our religion, more they plunge into sorrows. Following advancements in science and technology, we only see restlessness and lack of peace across countries in the world. More the intellect or physical power more is the threat to the world.

Now that we have identified the problem, let us also identify the medicine to cure this problem. Devotion (Bhakti) and peace at heart is the only medicine. Once true Bhakti spreads across the world, the need for courts and military will automatically reduce. This is the verdict of the last 5,000 years. Therefore, the Government’s primary role and responsibility should be to spread Bhakti and peace among its citizens.

But what is it that is happening in reality? The Government, under the pretext of secularism (no discrimination against anybody in the name of religion), is against the spreading of Bhakti, though this contradicts its own principles of secularism. Being secular is not to propagate or foster one religion. Rather, it means nurturing all religions equally.

So, let us not bother about the role of the Government. Let us talk about the learned lot who should take steps towards this direction. They should work towards the welfare of their fellow human beings. Such welfare of people can be made a reality only if they follow the path of Bhakti with love and reverence towards God. The essence of lessons over the past 50 years is that “Bhakti has faded and so has the welfare of people”.

There are several associations in every city, each having its own objectives. Most of these bodies, due to conflicts and confrontations among themselves, generally go defunct soon. Therefore, what we need are Worship Associations, Societies and Communities, which will aim at spreading Bhakti among people. It is only such Worship Organisations that can guide people towards love and peace.

We should all jointly work together to accomplish the objective of establishing such associations. Such a move will certainly bring in discipline among people of the whole country, which will then become an embodiment of peace and love. With our country as the role model, the whole world will turn peaceful – “Loka samastha sukhino bhavanthu” – global well being; let the whole world be happy. We should all come forward to do this and dedicate our entire life time for this purpose.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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