Thus Spake the Divine - Uses of Speaking

Thus Spake the Divine

Uses of Speaking

In this chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava presents His introspection on the superiority of human beings over animals, owing to God bestowing on humans the boon of ability to speak. 

There are innumerable living beings in this universe. But Lord Parameshvara has bestowed only human beings with the gift of speech. As a result, there are numerous languages in the world. From the speech came letters and thereby various Lipis (Lipi literally means “writing, letters, alphabet” and contextually refers to scripts, the art or manner of writing). Capitalising on speaking capability of human beings are schools, colleges, libraries and magazines spread across the world.

In the world of animals, there are no presses. Animals cannot speak. But that does not mean they are
undergoing any kind of difficulties or sorrows. They don’t suffer from the kinds of diseases that we do. They don’t struggle for accumulating wealth. They don’t have the worry about yesterday or tomorrow. They get their food somehow. Despite many of them killing and eating each other as food, all animals are at the same time growing in numbers!

Even within mankind, if we look at tribal people, they seem to be more virtuous and carefree when compared to others, who might be living amidst all luxuries, including colleges and libraries. As there are no colleges or libraries in African forests or Red Indian Forests of America, there are no courts too. This highlights that uncivilised or illiterate masses do not indulge in crimes that the so-called civilised masses commit. More the education and knowledge more are the crimes and sins.

More the wealth more is discontentment. Needs are always on the increase. Speech and writing are used more for committing unwarranted deeds like cheating. Magazines and books, instead of bringing peace and contentment, can also spread discontentment and animosity. Thus, I wonder whether the exclusive gift of speech to human beings is a boon or bane.

Looking at all this, I think why birth in the form of animals is treated as demeaning compared to that of human beings. My reasoning is that an animal acts on its instinct all through its life time. Animals hardly commit sins using their intelligence, whereas man uses his intelligence to indulge in various wrong acts, including vengeance, cheating and false disguise!

I also gave a deep thought as to why birth as human beings is so precious. This thought process brought out the deficiencies found in animals. Though animals do not indulge in sinful acts, they are always surrounded by fear of death. They are always nervous that someone would kill them at some point or the other. Man is also susceptible to various threats. But it is only human beings who have ways and means to protect themselves from threats, which animals do not have.

How can man free himself from various threats? If he can ensure that he does not take another birth, he can liberate himself from such threats and fears. If he attains the wisdom that “Everything is unified into one”, then he will not fear anything. Once this wisdom is attained, his body will not get another birth. Mahans and Rishis used their speaking capability only to achieve wisdom and avoiding rebirth. All Vedas, Epics, Puranas, Dharma Shastras and Vedanta emerged only because of the human capability of speech. I felt relaxed after knowing such precious outcomes of language, lipi, speech and intelligence.

We can make great use of the speaking capability given to us by God. We can utilise this God-given ability to do many good deeds. One can use his capability to speak to alleviate fears, sorrows and sins. For all this, one should involve himself in divine discourses. That is why, when a child is given its first chance to write and practise a lipi, the child is made to write “Namo Narayana”. God is constantly monitoring how we use the gift of talking bestowed by Him on us. If we don’t use our speech for the wellbeing of society, God can snatch away the same from us in the next birth. This in a way means He will confer us the birth of an animal in the forthcoming janma!

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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