Thus Spake the Divine - Experiencing God through Music

Thus Spake the Divine

Experiencing God through Music

We all know that Goddess Sarasvati holds Veena in Her hands. Kalidasa in his Navaratnamala Shloka says, even Goddess Parvati, Wife of Lord Parameshvara, holds Veena and plays it with Her Tender Fingers. He says, “Goddess Parvati, engrossed in the music of Veena, becomes the embodiment of peace and compassion in Her Heart.

 If you look at the verses of Kalidasa, it will be clear that the Goddess appears serene only because of Her deep engrossment in music. Similarly, only because of Her total trancelike state of mind, which is engrossed in music, is She Compassionate and Soft Hearted, as soft as a flower.

When Goddess Sarasvati is experienced as the embodiment of music, She is given the name of Shyamala, who bestows grace and compassion on devotees engrossed in music. With the divinity of music, both happiness and serenity flow automatically within the body and mind. Once we surrender ourselves to Shyamala, we will also attain the state of absolute happiness and serenity. 

Goddess Ambal is the potential power (Shakti) of Brahmam. Music symbolises Brahmam (or Ishvar). If Ambal is in Her trancelike state of music, it means that Brahmam and Shakti are not distinct but Unified into One. In other words, this is the state of Advaita blissfulness. Ambal bestows Her innate  compassion on those who worship her through music.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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