Thus Spake the Divine - Duties of Youth

Thus Spake the Divine

Duties of Youth

God has bestowed us this physical body only to help others. Youth should make it a point to serve others when they have the strength and energy in their body. More than the physical strength, they must give more importance to ethical and moral strength. They should live a righteous life by following the Codes of our Dharma and Shastras. Only then will they be fully competent to do service to others. If they have the attributes of kama (lust) and krodh (anger), how can they be of service to anyone?

Youth, who want to serve others, should have unfettered commitment and trust in our Dharma and truth. They should never be afraid of anything. They should understand the difference between being courageous and following the path of violence. Lord Hanumanwho had enormous physical power, must be the role model for youth. He was calm and quiet all the time, but used tremendous force when the situation warranted. 

Lord Hanuman also had supreme intellect, but was devoted in his service to Lord Ram with utmost humility. He never feared anything. At the same time, he never took the path of violence on his own. He fought with people only in defence. He never used his power to his own advantage. Veer Shivaji was also one such role model. He was the disciple of Ramadasar, who is said to be an incarnation of Lord Hanuman.

Apart from physical strength, compassion and courage, if one also possesses a self-less attitude while protecting others, it is called as Kshatriya Dharma or supreme excellence within an individual. The present generation should necessarily uphold this Dharma at this point of time. They should not let the strong take advantage of the weak; they must protect the weak from being harassed. The youth should even sacrifice their lives if there is any danger to Dharma.

If we want to keep our heads high without any fear, we should develop Kshatriya Dharma. This includes possessing assertiveness and the inner strength to fight against suppression without any fear. Keeping global well being as the sole objective, if only youth join hands, then, morality within the country will reach new heights. The quality of Government and governance will also improve tremendously.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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