Thus Spake the Divine - Be Calculative

Thus Spake the Divine

Be Calculative

All people in Tamil Nadu use the term “Be calculative”, which means count your money before you spend it.

It is quite true that all of us are very much calculative in terms money. We don’t want to pay even one paisa extra over the price of any product. But the issue here is different. We buy a lot of things without being ‘calculative’ and without pondering whether we really need them. We keep buying things irrespective of whether or not we will really use them. Only a very few things are necessary for our day-to-day peaceful living. If we learn to be content with such basic lifestyle, we need not struggle to earn more and more money by deviating from the Codes of our Shastras and Dharma.

The above-mentioned lifestyle amounts to wasting time on two dimensions. First is wasting time in wanting to earn more money. Second is waste of time in buying unwanted things. The net result is that our peace of mind suffers. “Being calculative” in real sense will only be when we buy only what is essential. Bargaining and not paying one paisa extra for a product does not mean ‘being calculative’.

After money come words. We should be really ‘calculative’ is using words. We should not utter one word extra than what is required to convey our thoughts. This will save our as well as the listener’s time. If we practice and speak in a crisp and short manner, our mind will also become clearer and brighter. Our words will become more meaningful.

After words come deeds. We have to be ‘calculative’ in our deeds too. We may want to do something or the other. But we must make it a point not to do anything that is unnecessary or unwarranted. We should not engage in any activity that is not intended for the well being of either self or others.

Above all, the most important aspect in which we have to be ‘calculative’ is our thoughts. Our mind can capture a thousand thoughts in just one minute. We should never let our thoughts go haywire. We should control our stream of thoughts through consistent efforts. We can start with making the best of our efforts in engaging ourselves with virtuous thoughts. Generally, thoughts become weak when they drift from their focal point. If we can divert our thoughts towards good deeds, our mind can become focused and we can then accomplish great results.

Each person wants to be richer than the other person. If there is not enough money available to lead a luxurious life, he starts taking loans and plunges in debt. The irony is that only rich have more debts than poor. You will find only a very few rich men who have not taken any loans. Rich also should self-inquire as to how they can spend flamboyantly when there are a large number of people struggling to manage even their day-to-day life.

Once such a thought enters their mind, the rich can control their expenses and even help others in many ways. Once they start doing this, there will hardly be anyone who is starving or is without clothing. God will also be compassionate towards the rich for their service to the society. While rich can be ‘calculative’ in their spending, they should not be ‘calculative’ in giving to the needy. The more they give more will they receive from God.

Another important thing in our country is water. We should be very ‘calculative’, conservative and stingy when using it. We should understand the difference between being stingy and being miserly. Being stingy does not mean being miserly. Being very ‘calculative’ in one’s own spending for self is being stingy. Being stingy in this manner will enable a person to do more charity and service to the needy.

The next is to be ‘calculative’ in our talk. If we talk less, conflicts and confrontations will lessen. Silence is the killer of confrontations. There is also a proverb in English which says, “If speech is silver, silence is golden”. Speaking less is one of the ways of individual enhancement. Absolute silence is the boundary line for wisdom. Though we cannot reach that boundary line and practice absolute silence, we should attempt to reduce our talking to a great extent. We should speak only that which will not cause any hurt to others. We should speak only that which will elevate our soul to the spiritual pedestal. It is difficult to control our thought but, if we try, we can control our talk. We should definitely stop talking whatever that comes to our mind. Also, if we talk in a roundabout manner, it will not have the desired impact on the listener. It will only lower our energy levels.

Thus, it is important to be ‘calculative’. We have to be within the ‘limits’ in terms of words, deeds and thought. If we can bring all these three viz. the mind, tongue and body under control, and refrain from unnecessary thoughts, words and actions, it will lead to our individual growth, prosperity and harmony.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

GIRI is Also the Humble Recipient of "The BEST TOURIST FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTER in Tamil Nadu" Award For The Year 2019.

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