Thus Spake the Divine - Remedial Actions to Alleviate Sorrows

Thus Spake the Divine

"Remedial Actions to Alleviate Sorrows"

The first and foremost cause for happiness or sorrow among human beings is only one’s own karma of either this birth or earlier births. In this Chapter, Poojyasri Maha Periyava applies “Cause- Effect Theory” and “Action-Reaction Theory” for the easier understanding of the readers. To alleviate sorrows, Maha Periyava fervently pleads His devotees not to commit further sins and add up to the load.

When a person is suffering from any ailment or disease, many people will attribute different reasons to that. The Ayurveda doctor will say it is because of mineral deficiencies. The English doctor will give some other reason. Alternative to these, a psychiatrist will put forth some psychological disturbance as the reason. The magic practitioner will point out as reason some defective act committed earlier towards some specific God. The astrologer will attribute it to the position of planets currently being in a specific manner. However, those aware of rules of Dharma will point out that the disease is the outcome of only actions of the previous birth.

All happy or sorrowful happenings in our lives may be attributed to many such reasons. We may get confused with all these different reasons for the same incident or occurrence. Are planetary movements responsible for our own happiness and sorrows? Should we have to perform some  remedial measures as advised by the astrologer? Or, is it because of the unwarranted act done by us towards our family Deity or any other God or Goddess? Should we take some corrective action to pacify that God? If it is an ailment, should we also carry out some medical treatment for that? If everything is the resultant of our own karma and it will be resolved only when it deserves to be resolved, then should we remain inactive? Thus, there is confusion prevailing in all such instances.

If we look at the many reasons and contemplate which one could be true, all could be true. What is certain is that the fundamental reason for all such happenings is our own karma. Only our own karmas generate the consequent repercussions. Rain is one substance, but how many consequences arise out of it? The entire earth gets wet; there is generation of winged-white ants; the frogs croak; some plants sprout green; some plants decay. All these are the characteristics of one rain.

Similarly, be it either by way of black magic practices or by way of astrological advises or by way of medical guidelines to cure our diseases, the actual reason for diseases is karma. Apart from diseases, there are many other perennial problems that have to be resolved with the help of money, position, physical strength and intellectual power. For all these problems and sorrows, the reason is only our karma. As per science, if there is an effect, there should definitely be a cause.

The whole universe is bound by the underlying theories of “Cause-Effect” and “Action-Reaction”. The study of physics vividly elucidates this phenomenon. As both the Inanimate Cosmos and the Animate Cosmos have emerged from the same single source, the rules of Cosmos will apply to human lives too. All our actions will definitely have a reaction. The only basis for everything that is happening in the entire universe can be attributed to only one Super Power. Only based on this Ishvar’s mandate the entire world will function. He connects many things and substances. There is nothing in this world that can happen in isolation. He finds pleasure in connecting all those substances with us, which, to us appear unconnected.

The first and foremost cause for happiness or sorrow among human beings is only one’s own karma of either this birth or earlier births. The other associated causes may happen to be the erratic planetary movements, blunders relating to God, ill-health etc., or all these may appear as a sign of heralding such happenings. We can seek remedial actions either through horoscope, black magic or medicine, whichever way we want. Still, all these will yield results only when the magnitude of our karma exhausts. If we have the maturity to leave it at the disposal of God and surrender everything to Him and remain quiet, that will be the best way above all other ways. That is the biggest remedial action and true remedial action.

Irrespective of the nature of karma of earlier births, it is important to ensure that we don’t accumulate the burden of further karma. Instead of looking at remedial measures to alleviate the burden of erstwhile karma, it is important not to commit further sins and add up to the load. For that, we should seek the grace of God. Even for sorrows resulting out of our karma of earlier birth, the actual remedy is to only extend Bhakti towards God. Devotion to God is again the aiding means to not sow the seeds of further sorrows. According to the Advaita doctrine, “There is no another substance that exists which generates sorrow” and that is the ultimate stage of remedial actions. At that point, there  is no state of sorrow or happiness. The only Brahmam, which forms the source for both happiness and sorrows, will remain self-radiating.

This article is a snippet from the Book Thus Spake the Divineis available online at and across Giri Trading Agency Private LimitedA chain of Speciality Stores dealing in all kinds of products needed in Indian Culture and Tradition. 

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